How to deposit in a Vault

How to deposit in a vault guide:

  1. Navigate to the Vaults list on the PIT Finance platform.

  2. Browse the available vaults and select one you're interested in joining.

  1. Click the "Details" button for your chosen vault to access its specific page.

  2. On the vault details page, locate the Deposit section.

In case of WSEI vault, you should wrap your SEI and then deposit

  1. Enter the number of tokens you wish to deposit in the provided input field.

  2. The platform will automatically calculate and display the amount of pTOKENs you'll receive based on the current exchange rate.

  3. Click the "Approve" button to authorize the token deposit. This step is necessary for security reasons.

  4. After approval, click "Deposit" to finalize your transaction and join the vault.

  5. Your tokens are now deposited, and you'll start earning optimized rewards according to the vault's strategy.

Remember to review all details and understand the vault's strategy before depositing. Always ensure you're comfortable with the associated risks and potential returns.

Last updated